The primary purpose of the Fund is to make grants of up to $3,000 (and
sometimes more) to the City of Alameda non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations primarily for capital purchases.

Please do not submit grant applications whose purpose does not directly benefit the citizens and residents of the City of Alameda.  



1. Provide all information requested on the grant application form
below; attach any additional information, as needed, and submit
either by USPS Mail or via Email.
For US Mail:
Alameda Community Fund
P.O. Box 1273
Alameda, CA 94501
For e-mail:
[email protected]

2. Upon review of your grant request, the ACF Board will respond
with next steps, i.e., acceptance or rejection or additional
information sought (i.e. Proof of 501 c (3) status).

3. Upon funding, the ACF Board will require you to submit verifying
documents upon project completion (invoice, delivery papers,
photos, etc.).


    Title of your project :

    Anticipated Completion Date:



    Email Address:

    Mailing Address:

    Phone Number:

    Grant Amount Requested: $

    What is your total project Budget:
    be specific about total funding including ACF grant: $

    Who will benefit from the grant:

    Other funding sought (Matching Fund, Etc.):

    Please tell us about your organization & reason for grant request:
    (you can attach a separate cover letter below with this information if you wish)

    Please provide (or attach) any additional information to help us fully understand your
    project. While concise statements and bulleted lists are strongly encouraged, the
    proposal must be comprehensive.